Friday, October 16, 2009

push off double lift

the most commonly use sleight in card magic, the double lift.

i first saw this kind of double lift to my friend john™ after that i fell in love with the sleight. this is the most natural DL ive seen so far also the hardest. i asked john if he can tell me who invented this kind of DL and he said he read it somewhere in the book of alex elmsley, i search it but i cant find it, john also forgot where he read it.

then while reading marlo in spades book i saw a very similar method but sleightly different approach to it. the name of ed marlos DL is "best card push off".

so if you know where can i find the reference of the push off double lift i use right now please tell me :D

thats all for now if you have any question just PM me.

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