Tuesday, October 6, 2009

elmsley count

ok im back again after 1 year hehehe, starting today my blog will focus on different kinds of sleights, first is the elmsley count :D.

so why elmsley count? well elmsley count is one of the most used sleights in card magic
but even though it is by many magician i still see many magician doing it the wrong way, they think that their elmsley count is correct not noticing what is wrong in their sleight. here ill try to point out the common mistakes magicians do while executing ng elmsley count.

first common mistake is the first and second finger clipping the card and the
second mistake is not squaring the packets

just check the video for reference


what is the first name of the inventor of elmsley count? (the answer is the password)

also in the video is the different handling of elmsley count (theres a lot more handling of elmsley count but i only put the most common i see).

i wish that this video can help you improve your elmsley count

ok thats all for now. if you have any sleights that you want me to tackle just pm me
and ill do it.

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