After waiting for a long time finally i got a copy of Sick dvd by Ponta the Smith
Sick is first released in Japan then after a month it is released nationwide by the ellusionist this january, and also murphy magic will release it too this february.
Sick is an advance coin magic dvd made by Ponta the Smith from Osaka Japan, yes he did it all by himself from the performing, filming and editing. In this video he made 11 no gaff coin routines that when you first watch it you will think that he did it with gaffs. The routines are spellbound, One Coin Routine, Tenkai Pennies, 3 Coins Across, Vanish, 3 Fly, Winged Silver, Matrix, Backfire Matrix, Quick Matrix, Backfire Assembly. The dvd only last 34 mins ='(.
The video quality is ok but not the best like the "coin one/two" 4/5
I like the music a lot, its an acoustic type music, very relaxing you will be surprized that the routine you are watching is already finished. All the music he used is from Kevin Macleod. 5/5
The teaching of the dvd is very poor in my opinion. First of all it has no talking in there, it is substituted by a text, if you own a xcm/flourish video like dan and dave trilogy or david stone real secrets of magic its like that. He teach the routines step by step in slow motion then a full performance view of the routine in slow motion followed by a full performance view of the routine in real time. 3/5
The routines that i really like is the spellbound routine its like his hands is dancing when doing the routine, also all the matrix he did (im an avid fan of matrix routine) also the vanish where the coin instantly vanish into thin air then appear suddenly in your fingers.
sick trailer
This dvd is a must have for a coin magician but i will not recommend it for a newbie to coin magic, almost all the sleights he uses are advance.
It is difficult! Again, the moves are difficult...much more if you want to imitate Ponta's fluidity. Prepare to commit or omit :D
the key to his smoothness is his constant rhythm in his moves
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