then the six participant is gotcha who is late, so to keep the program going nomer did a trick which is the pk touch, he did it really good hehehehe then after that its resembles turn with his hilarious linking ring, ring and rope routine and his famous 1 coin routine(hay sawangsawa na ko dun). then ronstoppable came to promote the david roth and michael rubinstein lecture (hehehe gusto kong pumunta dito) and invite us to the magfi competition. after that gotcha came then do his assign trick which is the oil and water by larry jennings (hirap nito) and also he did his balloon to nose yuck! hehehehe.
after the its interview time then jamming to the max, after that at around 12:00am we leave the rotary and decided to go to starbucks to jam a little more but before that
manips, evil eye, marco, killer, angel, badchoys, cyberheart, 8xtian, xhien, tj and last but not the least me hehehe decided to eat at chowking thanks to evil eye for the halo-halo (grande pa hahahaha). after that we followed the others to starbucks jam a little then leave the starbucks at around 2:30am.
but some members dont to drink so badchoys, cyberheart, empress , chaoserver, nomer, 8xtian, xhien, tj and me decided to go to the place of xhien. well as usual the jam again and talk about tsc matters ^_~. we leaved there at around 8am(mga adik)







other pics ^_^

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