the organizers and lecturers were andres, nomer, richard and trycks(me).
the first lecturer is trycks(me) who did my own routine consist of my variation of gambler vs magician(dr. jacob daley) followed by my variation of rock & roll aces(harry lorayne)/jazz aces(darwin ortiz) and last but not the least my variation of hershey kiss(cyril takayama) with uses a cockroach instead of hershey kisses chocolate.
the next lecturer is nomer lasala who did some mentalism card magic like mocking bird, etc.
the last lecturer is anthony andres who did card magic with misdirection like card in box routine, and many more that uses heavy misdirection technic
i think the tsc card workshop did a pretty good job thanks for the support of the tsc members and other magician who attended the workshop also i would like to thank mr evil_eye(richard) who help us organize the workshop
heres some of our pictures
group picture =D

trycks(me) lecturing

trycks again

nomer doing mockingbird

nomer again

richard thanks for helping us


andres again hehehe

last me doing anaconda dribble

thanks for the pictures fritz =D